The many ways electric cars are vulnerable to hacks, and whether that matters in a real-world

I’d hate to be labeled a “car guy” now mentioning my new electric car in the lede of two newsletters in a row, but I couldn’t resist. 

I’d been reading headlines for years about how electric cars (most notably Tesla) were vulnerable to a range of security vulnerabilities, even some that could allow bad actors to steal the car if they were close enough to the car’s keys. While I don’t own a Tesla, I am now more invested in following the various ways attackers can take advantage of the connectivity of electric cars. 

I’ve bemoaned before about everything being “smart” now, but there’s no escaping it if you want to convert to an electric vehicle. They’re all Wi-Fi connected so drivers can control the charging speed and timing of their cars, monitor public charging stations and communicate with the dealer about any electrical failures. 

A whole new slew of electric car-related vulnerabilities came out last week thanks to the Pwn2Own hacking event in Tokyo as part of the Automotive World conference. Car and charging companies were offering a combined $1 million in bug bounty payments for researchers who could find security vulnerabilities in a range of cars and electric car-related products like home chargers. 

In all, researchers discovered 49 zero-day vulnerabilities, including a two-vulnerability exploit chain in Tesla cars that could allow an attacker to take over the onboard infotainment system. Other vulnerabilities were discovered in ChargePoint and Juicebox products, two prominent manufacturers of home, travel and commercial electric charging equipment. Although few details are available on the specific vulnerabilities, the Zero Day Initiative said on its blog that one researcher “was able to execute his attack against the ChargePoint Home Flex.” 
研究人员总共发现了49个零日漏洞,其中包括特斯拉汽车中的两个漏洞利用链,该漏洞可能允许攻击者接管车载信息娱乐系统。在ChargePoint和Juicebox产品中发现了其他漏洞,这两家公司是家庭,旅行和商业充电设备的着名制造商。尽管关于具体漏洞的细节很少,但零日倡议在其博客上表示,一名研究人员“能够对ChargePoint Home Flex执行攻击”。

Some of these exploits are funny to read about. Imagine an attacker taking the time to hack into a Tesla’s modem so they can turn on a car’s windshield wipers without the driver knowing. Tesla stated after Pwn2Own that none of the vulnerabilities discovered would be more than an annoyance for the driver.  

Certainly, previous vulnerabilities that could allow someone to drive away with your car would be more than an annoyance, but this latest batch of bugs has lower stakes than that.  

I could see a lot of traditionalists who are hesitant to switch to electric cars being hesitant because their 2011 Toyota Corolla doesn’t require the internet to run. That doesn’t mean that owning an electric car or installing a home charger are inherently risky. I would argue that the average IoT device or home router runs a higher risk of exposing your home network to a larger risk surface because they are often overlooked in security.  

As weird as it is to say, just like you patch an IoT device, it’s important to patch the firmware on your vehicle (gas-powered or not) regularly. Still, I’m not sure it’s time to just assume your electric car is going to be hacked like in “Cyberpunk 2077” because these vulnerabilities are out there. 

The one big thing 

The FBI says it’s shut down the recently emerged Volt Typhoon, a Chinese state-sponsored actor. FBI Director Christopher Wray announced the disruption Wednesday during a hearing with a U.S. House committee. Volt Typhoon was first disclosed in mid-2023 for targeting outdated wireless routers, including some belonging to U.S. critical infrastructure. The hackers had been targeting U.S. water treatment plants, the power grid, oil and natural gas pipelines, and transportation systems, Wray said. 
美国联邦调查局说,它已经关闭了最近出现的伏特台风,一个中国国家赞助的演员。联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷星期三在美国众议院一个委员会的听证会上宣布了这一消息。Volt Typhoon于2023年年中首次披露,目标是过时的无线路由器,包括一些属于美国关键基础设施的路由器。Wray说,黑客的目标是美国的水处理厂、电网、石油和天然气管道以及运输系统。

Why do I care? 

Aging network infrastructure is a problem for all users across the globe. As highlighted by Talos’ report on JaguarTooth last year, unpatched routers or older routers with security vulnerabilities are easy targets for state-sponsored actors, and they can often sit unnoticed on these devices for months or years. Volt Typhoon is particularly notable for its targeting of high-risk sectors and U.S. military bases.  
老化的网络基础设施是困扰地球仪所有用户的一个问题。正如Talos去年关于JaguarTooth的报告所强调的那样,未打补丁的路由器或存在安全漏洞的旧路由器很容易成为国家支持的行为者的目标,它们经常会在这些设备上被忽视数月或数年。Volt Typhoon以其针对高风险部门和美国军事基地而特别引人注目。

So now what? 

The FBI and U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned router vendors to patch their devices as soon as possible to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities Volt Typhoon is known for using. All users should check to make sure their routers, regardless of make, model or age, have the latest firmware installed. We also have several recommendations for everyone to defend their network infrastructure and upgrade to newer hardware. 
美国联邦调查局和美国网络安全和基础设施安全局警告路由器供应商尽快修补其设备,以防止利用Volt Typhoon的漏洞。所有用户都应该检查以确保他们的路由器,无论品牌,型号或年龄,都安装了最新的固件。我们还为每个人提供了一些建议,以保护他们的网络基础设施并升级到新的硬件。

Top security headlines of the week 

Ads displayed in several different popular mobile apps are part of a mass global surveillance effort, with the information eventually being sold to national security agencies that can track the physical location, hobbies, and names of users’ family members. The ad-based tool, known as Patternz, strikes deals with smaller ad networks to gather information from users’ devices when they access some apps like Kik messenger and the 9gag online forum. While reporting from 404 Media shows a specific example targeting an Android user, the same methods work on iOS devices. Separately, security researchers also found that many push notifications on iPhones are unknowingly sending user information back to apps, even if the user doesn’t have those apps installed. When triggered, some push notifications will send app analytics and device information to remote servers belonging to other apps like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and X, formerly known as Twitter. (404 Media9to5 Mac
在几个不同的流行移动的应用程序中显示的广告是大规模全球监视工作的一部分,这些信息最终被出售给国家安全机构,这些机构可以跟踪用户家庭成员的物理位置,爱好和姓名。这个基于广告的工具名为Patternz,它与较小的广告网络达成协议,在用户访问Kik Messenger和9gag在线论坛等应用程序时从用户的设备上收集信息。虽然404 Media的报告显示了一个针对Android用户的具体示例,但同样的方法也适用于iOS设备。另外,安全研究人员还发现,iPhone上的许多推送通知会在不知不觉中将用户信息发送回应用程序,即使用户没有安装这些应用程序。当触发时,一些推送通知会将应用分析和设备信息发送到属于其他应用的远程服务器,如TikTok,Facebook,Instagram和X,以前称为Twitter。(404媒体,9to5 Mac)

A cyber attack disrupted nearly all the government services of Fulton County, Georgia, this week, with systems still recovering as of Wednesday afternoon. The attack is notable because Fulton County is where former U.S. President Donald Trump is charged and being tried for his involvement in trying to overturn the results of the 202 presidential election. The cyber attack also targeted the office of the District Attorney who investigated and is charging Trump. The county’s government phone systems were all down, as were access to court filings, tax processing and more. Law enforcement was still investigating the attack as of Wednesday afternoon, though county officials said they had not seen any evidence that personal information of employees or citizens had been stolen. (NBC NewsCNN

Cozy Bear, a well-known Russian APT, is reportedly behind two recent breaches at Microsoft and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Microsoft, calling the group “Midnight Blizzard” said in a blog post that they detected a state-sponsored attack on their internal systems on Jan. 12, 2024. Microsoft stated that the actor got in by abusing user accounts “to create, modify, and grant high permissions to OAuth applications that they can misuse to hide malicious activity.” This was the second time in six months that Microsoft disclosed a state-sponsored actor targeting its internal systems. In the case of Cozy Bear, the hacking group allegedly monitored the email accounts of senior Microsoft executives and members of the company’s cybersecurity teams. Executives from HPE filed a notice with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last week stating that the same actor “gained unauthorized access to HPE’s cloud-based email environment.” HPE said the actor initially gained access through a compromised Microsoft Office 365 email account. (MicrosoftArs Technica
据报道,俄罗斯著名的APT公司Cozy Bear最近在微软和惠普企业(Hewlett Packard Enterprise,HPE)的两次违规事件背后。微软在一篇博客文章中称,他们在2024年1月12日发现了一次由国家赞助的对内部系统的攻击。微软表示,该行为者通过滥用用户帐户“创建,修改和授予OAuth应用程序的高权限,他们可以滥用这些应用程序来隐藏恶意活动”。这是六个月来微软第二次披露一个国家支持的攻击者针对其内部系统。在Cozy Bear的案例中,黑客组织据称监控了微软高级管理人员和公司网络安全团队成员的电子邮件帐户。上周,HPE的高管向美国证券交易委员会提交了一份通知,称同一名参与者“未经授权访问了HPE基于云的电子邮件环境。HPE表示,这名黑客最初是通过一个受损的Microsoft Office 365电子邮件帐户获得访问权限的。 (微软,Ars Technica)

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 4c3c7be970a08dd59e87de24590b938045f14e693a43a83b81ce8531127eb440
SHA 256:4c3c7be970a08dd59e87de24590b938045f14e693a43a83b81ce8531127eb440
MD5: ef6ff172bf3e480f1d633a6c53f7a35e 

Typical Filename: iizbpyilb.bat 

Claimed Product: N/A   声明产品:不适用
Detection Name: Trojan.Agent.DDOH 

SHA 256: 8664e2f59077c58ac12e747da09d2810fd5ca611f56c0c900578bf750cab56b7
SHA 256:8664e2f59077c58ac12e747da09d2810fd5ca611f56c0c900578bf750cab56b7
MD5: 0e4c49327e3be816022a233f844a5731  

Typical Filename: aact.exe  

Claimed Product: AAct x86  
产品名称:AAct x86

Detection Name: PUA.Win.Tool.Kmsauto::in03.talos 

SHA 256: 77c2372364b6dd56bc787fda46e6f4240aaa0353ead1e3071224d454038a545e
SHA 256:77c2372364b6dd56bc787fda46e6f4240aaa0353ead1e3071224d454038a545e
MD5: 040cd888e971f2872d6d5dafd52e6194 

Typical Filename: tmp000c3787 

Claimed Product: Ultra Virus Killer 
产品名称:Ultra Virus Killer

Detection Name: 

SHA 256: e340aa9f08ce8128e17a3186053bfaf2dc119d98a64f7bc4d37fb7be03365c93
SHA 256:e340aa9f08ce8128e17a3186053bfaf2dc119d98a64f7bc4d37fb7be03365c93
MD5: 5800fc229e3a5f13b32d575fe91b8512 

Typical Filename: client32.exe 

Claimed Product: NetSupport Remote Control 
产品名称:NetSupport Remote Control

Detection Name: W32.Riskware:Variant.27dv.1201 

SHA 256: 1fa0222e5ae2b891fa9c2dad1f63a9b26901d825dc6d6b9dcc6258a985f4f9ab
SHA 256:1fa0222e5ae2b891fa9c2dad1f63a9b26901d825dc6d6b9dcc6258a985f4f9ab
MD5: 4c648967aeac81b18b53a3cb357120f4 

Typical Filename: yypnexwqivdpvdeakbmmd.exe 

Claimed Product: N/A   声明产品:不适用
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

原文始发于Jonathan Munshaw:The many ways electric cars are vulnerable to hacks, and whether that matters in a real-world

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年2月8日 上午8:37。
转载请注明:The many ways electric cars are vulnerable to hacks, and whether that matters in a real-world | CTF导航
