Dock Tile Plugins Could Be Used to Escalate Privileges

I recently came across a persistence feature in macOS that’s tied to Dock tile plugins
我最近在 macOS 中发现了一个与Dock 磁贴插件相关的持久性功能。

Dock tiles are the small icons that appear on your Dock when an application runs. Plugins for these Dock tiles have been available since macOS Snow Leopard (10.6). In its developer documentation, Apple says about them: 
Dock 磁贴是应用程序运行时出现在 Dock 上的小图标。自 macOS Snow Leopard (10.6) 起,这些 Dock 磁贴的插件就已可用。苹果在其开发者文档中谈到了它们:

A set of methods implemented by plug-ins…allow an app’s Dock tile to be customized while the app is not running.
一组由插件实现的方法…允许在应用程序未运行时自定义应用程序的 Dock 磁贴。

For example, thanks to such plugins, Facetime’s dock tile can display recent calls:
例如,借助此类插件,Facetime 的 Dock 磁贴可以显示最近的通话:

Dock Tile Plugins Could Be Used to Escalate PrivilegesThe documentation also says: 

The plugin is loaded in a system process at login time or when the application tile is added to the Dock.
该插件会在登录时或将应用程序磁贴添加到 Dock 时加载到系统进程中。

“Loaded in a system process at login time” means persistence, no matter how it’s framed. If these plugins have a vulnerability, such persistence means it could be exploited. 

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Link to this sectionThe Vulnerability 漏洞

If an application with a Dock tile plugin is placed in a location—such as /Users/Shared—where every user can “see” it, the plugin will be recognized and loaded into each user’s process. If a standard user places the app in such a directory, and an admin user logs in, the plugin will be executed in the admin user’s context, thus achieving standard-to-admin user privilege escalation.
如果带有 Dock 磁贴插件的应用程序放置在每个用户都可以“看到”它的位置(例如 /Users/Shared),则该插件将被识别并加载到每个用户的进程中。如果标准用户将应用程序放在这样的目录中,并且管理员用户登录,则该插件将在管理员用户的上下文中执行,从而实现标准到管理员用户的权限提升。

Here are some logs from a proof-of-concept that I developed. We can see that the plugin is loaded into different processes (1605 and 1606). 

lizard@vm ~ % log stream | grep BEYOND
2023-10-02 10:58:46.049386-0700 0x5ad0 Default 0x0    1606   0 (DuckDockTilePlugin) BEYOND setDockTile was called
2023-10-02 10:58:57.619373-0700 0x5aba Default 0x0    1605   0 (DuckDockTilePlugin) BEYOND doSomething was called

If we check the processes in Activity Monitor, we find that they belong to two separate users: rookie (standard) and lizard (admin):

Dock Tile Plugins Could Be Used to Escalate PrivilegesUsing Task Explorer, we can confirm that the plugin was indeed loaded from /Users/Shared:
使用任务资源管理器,我们可以确认插件确实是从 /Users/Shared 加载的:

Dock Tile Plugins Could Be Used to Escalate PrivilegesVM Escape and its Limitations
VM Escape 及其局限性

Since these plugins are automatically found and executed by the system process, if a malicious actor were to drop such an application to a system, they could get code execution. (Autorun only works if the quarantine attribute is not present, so we can’t use it for Gatekeeper bypass). If shared folders are enabled on a virtual machine, someone could drop an app with a plugin to the host system, and it would be executed; this is essentially a universal VM escape
由于这些插件是由系统进程自动找到并执行的,因此如果恶意行为者将此类应用程序放入系统,他们就可以执行代码。 (自动运行仅在隔离属性不存在时才起作用,因此我们不能将其用于绕过网守)。如果在虚拟机上启用了共享文件夹,则有人可以将带有插件的应用程序放入主机系统,并且该应用程序将被执行;这本质上是一个通用的VM转义

It does matter where you place the application. That’s because Dock tile plugins are searched and loaded by the Dock, which checks only certain locations. In the app’s LPAppSource commonInit method, we can find the directories that are scanned:
将应用程序放置在何处确实很重要。这是因为 Dock 磁贴插件是由 Dock 搜索并加载的,它仅检查某些位置。在应用程序的LPAppSource commonInit方法中,我们可以找到扫描的目录:

void __cdecl -[LPAppSource commonInit](LPAppSource *self, SEL a2)
    NSString *path; // r14
    __CFString *v4; // rax
    NSString *v5; // rax
    NSString *v6; // rax
    NSString *v7; // rax
    NSString *v8; // rdi
    NSOperationQueue *v9; // rax
    NSOperationQueue *processQueue; // rdi
    id v11; // rdi
    _QWORD block[7]; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h] BYREF

    switch ( self->_location )
        case 0LL:
        path = self->_path;
        self->_path = 0LL;
        goto LABEL_10;
        case 1LL:
        path = self->_path;
        v4 = CFSTR("/System/Applications");
        goto LABEL_9;
        case 2LL:
        path = self->_path;
        v4 = CFSTR("/Applications");
        goto LABEL_9;
        case 3LL:
        v5 = NSHomeDirectory();
        path = objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(v5);
        a2 = "stringByAppendingPathComponent:";
        v6 = -[NSString stringByAppendingPathComponent:](path, "stringByAppendingPathComponent:", CFSTR("Applications"));
        v7 = objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(v6);
        v8 = self->_path;
        self->_path = v7;
        goto LABEL_10;
        case 4LL:
        path = self->_path;
        v4 = CFSTR("/Users/Shared");
        goto LABEL_9;
        case 5LL:
        path = self->_path;
        v4 = CFSTR("/AppleInternal/Applications");
        goto LABEL_9;
        case 6LL:
        path = self->_path;
        v4 = CFSTR("/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications");
    self->_path = &v4->isa;

It scans all standard /Application folders and /Users/Shared. Since I use that directory for virtual machine shared folders, I could use this for VM escape. While privilege escalation will always work on a multiuser system, a VM escape is more limited.
它扫描所有标准 /Application 文件夹和 /Users/Shared。由于我将该目录用于虚拟机共享文件夹,因此我可以使用它来进行虚拟机转义。虽然权限升级始终适用于多用户系统,但虚拟机逃逸却受到更多限制。

Link to this sectionThe Fix 修复方法

Apple fixed this vulnerability in macOS Sonoma 14.4.  A new AppDataContainer class was created, whereby the plugin is checked in the initWithAppBundleURL: method.
Apple 在 macOS Sonoma 14.4 中修复了此漏洞。创建了一个新的AppDataContainer类,在initWithAppBundleURL:方法中检查插件。

AppDataContainer *__cdecl -[AppDataContainer initWithAppBundleURL:](AppDataContainer *self, SEL a2, id a3) 
    container_query_set_class(v13, 2LL);
    container_query_operation_set_flags(v14, 0x900000002LL);
    container_query_set_persona_unique_string(v14, CONTAINER_PERSONA_PRIMARY);
    container_query_set_identifiers(v14, v12);
    single_result = container_query_get_single_result(v14);
    if ( !single_result )
        NSLog((NSString *)CFSTR("No data container for app bundle %@"), v3);
        goto LABEL_31;
    v16 = single_result;
    v32 = v12;
    path = (const char *)container_get_path();
    if ( !path )
        NSLog(&CFSTR("No data container path for app bundle %@").isa, v3);
        goto LABEL_30;
    v18 = path;
    v29 = strlen(path);
    if ( !v29 )
        NSLog((NSString *)CFSTR("Zero length data container path for app bundle %@"), v3);
        goto LABEL_30;

Using the container_query* function, a call is made to containermanagerd to see if a container exists for the application or not. This check will be passed only if the main application itself has been executed by the user at least once. If another user has executed the app, a container will only exist for that user and not others. Thus, we can’t use it for privilege escalation. Since the plugin is not auto-executed, we can’t use it for VM escape, either.

原文始发于Csaba FitzlDock Tile Plugins Could Be Used to Escalate Privileges

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年8月4日 下午6:47。
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