作者 | strongerHuang
微信公众号 | strongerHuang
/* If a time out is specified and there isn't enough
space in the message buffer to send the data, then
enter the blocked state to wait for more space. */
if( time out != 0 )
while( there is insufficient space in the buffer &&
not timed out waiting )
Enter the blocked state to wait for space in the buffer
if( there is enough space in the buffer )
write data to buffer
/* If a time out is specified and the buffer doesn't
contain any data that can be read, then enter the
blocked state to wait for the buffer to contain data. */
if( time out != 0 )
while( there is no data in the buffer &&
not timed out waiting )
Enter the blocked state to wait for data
if( there is data in the buffer )
read data from buffer
如果硬件允许,则每个消息缓冲区可以使用不同的中断线,从而使中断服务程序和消息缓冲区之间保持一对一的映射。 -
中断服务例程可以简单地查询每个消息缓冲区以查看其是否包含数据。 -
/* Added to FreeRTOSConfig.h to override the default implementation. */
/* Implemented in a C file. */
void vGenerateCoreToCoreInterrupt( MessageBufferHandle_t xUpdatedBuffer )
size_t BytesWritten.
/* Called by the implementation of sbSEND_COMPLETED() in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
If this function was called because data was written to any message buffer
other than the control message buffer then write the handle of the message
buffer that contains data to the control message buffer, then raise an
interrupt in the other core. If this function was called because data was
written to the control message buffer then do nothing. */
if( xUpdatedBuffer != xControlMessageBuffer )
BytesWritten = xMessageBufferSend( xControlMessageBuffer,
sizeof( xUpdatedBuffer ),
0 );
/* If the bytes could not be written then the control message buffer
is too small! */
configASSERT( BytesWritten == sizeof( xUpdatedBuffer );
/* Generate interrupt in the other core (pseudocode). */
void InterruptServiceRoutine( void )
MessageBufferHandle_t xUpdatedMessageBuffer;
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
/* Receive the handle of the message buffer that contains data from the
control message buffer. Ensure to drain the buffer before returning. */
while( xMessageBufferReceiveFromISR( xControlMessageBuffer,
sizeof( xUpdatedMessageBuffer ),
&xHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
== sizeof( xUpdatedMessageBuffer ) )
/* Call the API function that sends a notification to any task that is
blocked on the xUpdatedMessageBuffer message buffer waiting for data to
arrive. */
xMessageBufferSendCompletedFromISR( xUpdatedMessageBuffer,
&xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/* Normal FreeRTOS "yield from interrupt" semantics, where
xHigherPriorityTaskWoken is initialised to pdFALSE and will then get set to
pdTRUE if the interrupt unblocks a task that has a priority above that of
the currently executing task. */
portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );