In this competition, NeSE solved all the reversing , misc , crypto challenges and won the championship. Here are the detailed writeups of three crypto challenges.
brandnew check-in
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from Crypto.Util.number import * from random import getrandbits from secret import flag def keygen(): p = getPrime(512) q = getPrime(512) n = p * q phi = (p-1)*(q-1) while True: a = getrandbits(1024) b = phi + 1 - a s = getrandbits(1024) t = -s*a * inverse(b, phi) % phi if GCD(b, phi) == 1: break return (s, t, n), (a, b, n) def enc(m, k): s, t, n = k r = getrandbits(1024) return m * pow(r, s, n) % n, m * pow(r, t, n) % n pubkey, privkey = keygen() flag = pow(bytes_to_long(flag), 0x10001, pubkey[2]) c = [] for m in long_to_bytes(flag): c1, c2 = enc(m, pubkey) c.append((c1, c2)) print(pubkey) print(c) |
By the description : cakectf brand_new_crypto
, I went for Google to browse the writeup and found this one : CakeCTF 2022 Writeup. We can use the extended Euclid algorithm to obtain x,y such that : s∗x+t∗y=1. Therefore, cx1∗cy2=mx+y∗rs∗x+t∗y=mx+y∗r, we can brute force m∈[0,255] to recover the r0 and use the r0 to verify the original equations : c1=m∗rs, c2=m∗rt. By this method, we can recover all the mi and ri if m≠0.
Now, we have recovered the encrypted flag : encflag=pow(flag,e,n). Notice that ri is generated with getrandbits(1024)
, we can fully recover MT19937 state and then backtrack to find parameters a or even p,q. Here, parameter a is easy to locate because it is exactly the previous 1024 bits of s. The most important point of recovering MT state is that our recovered ri=getrandbits(1024)modn. Therefore, each ri has 2~3 possible values and we need 20 consecutive parameters ri,..,ri+19 to reconstruct MT state and another 20 consecutive parameters ri+20,..,ri+39 to verify (if not verified, there might be multiple solutions). I found the minimal brute-forcing space is 223.
After we recovered a, t∗b=−samodφ(n)⟺t∗(1−a)+s∗a=0modφ(n). Therefore, we can obtain k∗φ(x) and derive the private key to decrypt encflag.
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from ast import literal_eval from Crypto.Util.number import * from tqdm import tqdm lines = open("./output.txt","r").readlines() s,t,n = literal_eval(lines[0].strip()) enc = literal_eval(lines[1]) def xgcd(a: int, b: int): x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 1, 1, 0 while a != 0: q, a, b = b // a, b % a, a x0, x1 = x1, x0 - x1 * q y0, y1 = y1, y0 - y1 * q return b, x0, y0 encflag = b"" r_list = [] for c1, c2 in tqdm(enc): if c1 == 0 and c2 == 0: # m is zero , r unknown, set -1 encflag += bytes([0]) r_list.append(-1) continue for m in range(256): g, x, y = xgcd(s, t) z = pow(c1, x, n) w = pow(c2, y, n) mm = pow(m, -(x+y), n) r_ = mm * z * w % n c1_ = (m * pow(r_, s // g, n)) % n c2_ = (m * pow(r_, t // g, n)) % n if c1_ == c1 and c2_ == c2: encflag += bytes([m]) r_list.append(r_) break print(encflag) |
MT Cracker (offset = 48, the brute-forcing space is minimal, 12 cores multi-process, time cost : 6 minutes):
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# Initialise rng (random.getrandbits) import random import time import copy from sympy import prod from Crypto.Util.number import * from ast import literal_eval from tqdm import tqdm from mt19937predictor import MT19937Predictor off = 48 lines = open("./output.txt","r").readlines() s,t,n = literal_eval(lines[0].strip()) enc = literal_eval(lines[1]) r = r_list # above r_list data = r[off:20+off] multi_r_list = [] def split32bit(d): temp = [] for _ in range(1024//32): temp.append(d%2**32) d = d>>32 assert d==0 return temp for d in data[:20]: assert d < n multi_ls = [split32bit(d)] while d + n < 2**1024: d = d + n multi_ls.append(split32bit(d)) multi_r_list.append(multi_ls) from itertools import product brute_length = prod([len(i) for i in multi_r_list]) print(f"[+] Brute forcing space {brute_length} {brute_length.bit_length()}") # split the brute-forcing space expand_part = product(*(multi_r_list[-3:])) brute_list = [product(*(multi_r_list[:-3]+[[f[0]],[f[1]],[f[2]]])) for f in expand_part] n_cores = len(brute_list) slice_length = brute_length//n_cores datas = [[b] for b in brute_list] print(f"[+] cores {n_cores}") def verify_func(brute_list): for i in tqdm(brute_list,total=slice_length): MT_data = [] for ls in i: MT_data.extend(ls) predictor = MT19937Predictor() for _ in range(624): predictor.setrandbits(MT_data[_], 32) mflag = True for _ in range(640-624): if predictor.getrandbits(32)!= MT_data[624 + _]: mflag = False break if mflag == False: continue # print(f"[+] possible result : {MT_data}") for _ in range(20): if predictor.getrandbits(1024)%n != r[20+off+_]: mflag = False break if mflag == False: continue print(f"[+] GOOD MT STATE") return (True,MT_data[:]) return (False,[]) from tqdm import tqdm from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed import multiprocessing import os def parallel_process(array, function, use_kwargs=False): """ A parallel version of the map function with a progress bar. Args: array (array-like): An array to iterate over. function (function): A python function to apply to the elements of array n_jobs (int, default=16): The number of cores to use use_kwargs (boolean, default=False): Whether to consider the elements of array as dictionaries of keyword arguments to function front_num (int, default=3): The number of iterations to run serially before kicking off the parallel job. Useful for catching bugs Returns: [function(array[0]), function(array[1]), ...] """ front = [] n_jobs = n_cores with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs) as pool: if use_kwargs: futures = [pool.submit(function, **a) for a in array] else: futures = [pool.submit(function, *a) for a in array] kwargs = { 'total': len(futures), 'unit': 'it', 'unit_scale': True, 'leave': True } #Print out the progress as tasks complete for f in tqdm(as_completed(futures), **kwargs): res = f.result() if res[0] == True: print("[+] find!") print(res) pool.shutdown(wait=True, cancel_futures=True) break return res res_list = parallel_process(datas,verify_func) |
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[+] Brute forcing space 7962624 23 [+] cores 12 69%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████▍ | 458676/663552 [07:08<02:57, 1153.05it/s] [+] GOOD MT STATE |
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data = res_list # results from above MT state import random from Crypto.Util.number import * from ast import literal_eval from tqdm import tqdm lines = open("./output.txt","r").readlines() s,t,n = literal_eval(lines[0].strip()) enc = literal_eval(lines[1]) # import sys sys.path.append('./source') # Import symbolic execution from MT19937 import MT19937, MT19937_symbolic # Import XorSolver from XorSolver import XorSolver rng = lambda: random.getrandbits(1024) rng_clone = MT19937(state_from_data = (data, 32)) shift = 64*(1024//32) rng_clone.reverse_states(shift) def get1024(): res = 0 temps = [] for i in range(32): temps.append(rng_clone()) for num in temps[::-1]: res = (res<<32) + num return res res_ls = [] for _ in range(64): rnd_num = get1024() res_ls.append(rnd_num) if rnd_num%n == s%n: print("[+] cracked") a = res_ls[-2] break kphi = s*a+(1-a)*t print(f"[+] kphi found , verify {pow(2,kphi,n) == 1} ") encflag = b'\x08EZg\xbf\xa0\xeb\x9d\x81\x01\xa8\x96m\x97\x08I(\xed\xb5iQE\xdb\xf5\x8c\xbdcr!\xe6\xc9\xac\x0c\x16K\xa0\x0fr\xecM\x04\xe6\x87\x0f}9\x94\xcfa\x16\x87\x8f4\xcd\xcb\xa4\x0eq\xc3Q\x16\x928&\xe2\x18C\xafN\x87\xcc\x18\xc2D\x9d\x06\xbd"\xe7\xe8\xb7\x12\xb0\xb8CC\x9aM\xff\x12\x00\x05,\xeeopYC)mI\xb7\x81\xb6\x13\x0e\x8a\xc0\xd7\xd3\xd2\xa9\xe5vg.\xa4\xf3\xaa\x10f\x9c\xa4nS=O\xe9' encnum = bytes_to_long(encflag) d = inverse(0x10001,kphi) m = long_to_bytes(pow(encnum,d,n)) print(m) |
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from Crypto.Util.number import * from math import prod from secret import flag def keygen(pbits,kbits,k): p = getPrime(pbits) x = [getPrime(kbits + 1) for i in range(k)] y = prod(x) while 1: r = getPrime(pbits - kbits * k) q = 2 * y * r + 1 if isPrime(q): return p*q, (p, q, r, x) def encrypt(key, message): return pow(0x10001, message, key) key = keygen(512, 24, 20) flag = bytes_to_long(flag) messages = [getPrime(flag.bit_length()) for i in range(47)] + [flag] enc = [encrypt(key[0], message) for message in messages] print(messages[:-1]) print(enc) |
Use lattice and gcd to recover the correct modulo N. Since N has a semi-smooth order prime (B1=225,B2=232) , we can use Pollard p-1 algorithm to factorize N and Pohlig-Hellman algorithm to compute the discrete logarithm to obtain flag.
Recover modulo N
The first step to recover the modulo N. Since the exponent is too large to be computed in Integer Ring, we can construct a lattice to narrow down the exponents. The lattice is as follows:
Apply LLL algorithm to M: L=M.LLL(). Denoting Li=[ri,ki1,...,ki47] as the ith row of L, we have the following equations :
In (2), if kij<0, place it on the left side; if ri<0, place it on the right side. Now every parameter is positive, and we exponentiate both sides of the equation with base = 0x10001
and then subtract them to get integer multiples of modulo N. We can compute n=gcd(kn1,kn2,..,kn47)and then filter all the small factors to recover the real modulo N (about 1034 bits).
Semi-Smooth Factorization and Discrete Logarithm
If we simply run Pollard’s p-1 algorithm on N, it costs about 10 hours in sage with time complexity 232. This TCC paper explains the concept of semi-smooth and related factorization attacks. Yafu
implements such factorization. Assume the two bounds for semi-smooth order prime are : B1=2a, B2=2b,b>a, the time complexity is O(2a+2b‾‾√). In the challenge, the time complexity is O(225).
For yafu
, the max B1 bound is 232 and for B2, the upper bound should be 264. If you find that with correct B1,B2 you can’t obtain the factorization, you can increase the bound B2 a little and run again.
The yafu
documentation of pm1
usage: pm1(expression)description:
New in version 1.28: uses GMP-ECM exclusively. Stage 1 bound is configurable using
the POLLARD_STG1_MAX parameter. The default is 100000. Stage 2 bound is also
configurable using the POLLARD_STG2_MAX parameter.To use the default B2 with gmp-ecm, simply do not specify the B2ecm or B2pp1 or B2pm1
flags in the .ini file or in the command line arguments.
Specifying B2 as well will cause the default value to be overridden.command line flags affecting pm1:
-B1pm1 B1 bound in the pm1 method
-B2pm1 B2 bound in the pm1 method
Crack our modulo in this challenge, a few seconds:
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C:\yafu-1.34>yafu-x64.exe -B1pm1 33554432 -B2pm1 4294967296 11/07/22 14:55:23 v1.34.5 @ TL2CENTS, System/Build Info: Using GMP-ECM 6.3, Powered by GMP 5.1.1 detected 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H detected L1 = 49152 bytes, L2 = 25165824 bytes, CL = 64 bytes measured cpu frequency ~= 2692.260400 using 20 random witnesses for Rabin-Miller PRP checks =============================================================== ======= Welcome to YAFU (Yet Another Factoring Utility) ======= ======= [email protected] ======= ======= Type help at any time, or quit to quit ======= =============================================================== cached 78498 primes. pmax = 999983 >> pm1(131158523227880830085100826212925738665356578827561846263073537503153187073136528966506785633847097997799377037969243883439723340886038624250936927221630287086602285835045356221763554989140952262353930420392663280482277832613695689454662506372252641564106136178637816827646124189347219273164844809807934422046441) pm1: starting B1 = 33554432, B2 = 4294967296 on C312 ***factors found*** P158 = 12980311456459934558628309999285260982188754011593109633858685687007370476504059552729490523256867881534711749584157463076269599380216374688443704196597025947 ***co-factor*** P155 = 10104420349837363561278745998119091841853342383118385156657416134976061697027571349895988817770681767227605656666215380267313369652920490697343475330713803 ans = 10104420349837363561278745998119091841853342383118385156657416134976061697027571349895988817770681767227605656666215380267313369652920490697343475330713803 |
After factorization, just use discrete_log
of sage to obtain the flag.
Lattice to compute k∗n
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from ast import literal_eval lines = open("./output.txt","r").readlines() messages = literal_eval(lines[0].strip()) enc = literal_eval(lines[1].strip()) M1 = matrix.identity(ZZ,47) B1 = matrix(ZZ,47,1) for i,message in enumerate(messages): B1[i,0] = message M = block_matrix(ZZ,[B1,M1],ncols = 2) L = M.LLL() def coompute_kn(coff): # \sum mi*ki = coff[0] if coff[0]>0: res_right = 1 res_left = pow(0x10001, coff[0]) else: res_right = pow(0x10001, -coff[0]) res_left = 1 for i ,cof in enumerate(coff[1:]): if cof > 0: res_right = res_right * enc[i]**cof else: res_left = res_left * enc[i]**(-cof) return res_left - res_right n0 = coompute_kn(L[0]) for i in range(1,47): kn = coompute_kn(L[i]) n0 = gcd(kn,n0) print("[+] nbits ",n0.nbits()) if n0.nbits()<=1024: print(n0) break print(n0) # filter small factors n0 = factor(n0,limit=2^20) n_ = n0[-1][0] print(f"[+] find n : {n_}") print(f"[+] n bits : {n_.nbits()}") |
Factorization by yafu
, then compute discrete logarithm:
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from Crypto.Util.number import * encm = enc[-1] discrete_log p = 12980311456459934558628309999285260982188754011593109633858685687007370476504059552729490523256867881534711749584157463076269599380216374688443704196597025947 q = 10104420349837363561278745998119091841853342383118385156657416134976061697027571349895988817770681767227605656666215380267313369652920490697343475330713803 assert p*q==n_ GN = GF(p) flag = discrete_log(GN(encm),GN(0x10001)) print(long_to_bytes(int(flag))) |
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from Crypto.Util.number import * from secret import flag m = Integer(int.from_bytes(flag, 'big')) for _ in range(7): p = getPrime(512) q = getPrime(512) n = p * q while 1: try: a = randint(0,n) b = randint(0,n) Ep = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a,b]) Gp = Ep.lift_x(m) * 2 Eq = EllipticCurve(GF(q), [a,b]) Gq = Eq.lift_x(m) * 2 y = crt([int(Gp[1]),int(Gq[1])],[p,q]) break except Exception as err: pass print(n, a, b, y) |
First use the point doubling formula to construct an equation (g(m,a,b,y)=0modn) for every set of (n,a,b,y). Combine these polynomials fi(m)=g(m,ai,bi,yi) with CRT to derive a new polynomial F(m)mod∏ni. Finally we can get the small root of F (coppersmith method) and recover the flag.
Construct Polynomial
Point (x,y) doubling formula of Weierstrass normal form ECC :
Consider the double point with x-coordinate= m , from (1), xr=(3m2+a2y)2−2m=(3m2+a)24(m3+am+b)−2m, multiply both sides with 4(m3+am+b) :
The ECC polynomial :
Denote k, c as :
Combine (2), (3) :
Now we have constructed a polynomial f(x) modulo n and f(m)=0.
In this section, we focus on solving Systems of Modular Univariate Polynomial Equations (SMUPE).
A straight forward method : combine all the polynomials with CRT and we can obtain a new polynomial F(x)mod∏ni which coppersmith method can be applied to. Let the max degree of fi is θ and every Ni is about 2nbit, the upper bound of common root xo is 2k×nbits/θ. In this challenge, we have 7 polynomials; the degree of all fi is 12; the bits of Ni is 1024. Therefore, the upper bound of x0 for the above idea is 27∗1024/12≈2597. Our flag length is 344 bits. F(x).small_roots(X=2^400,epsilon= 1/40,beta = 4/7)
is enough to extract the small root m.
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from ast import literal_eval lines = open("./output.txt","r").readlines() fs = [] ns = [] para_s = [] def fun(n,a,b,y): Pn.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n)) k = 4*(x^3+a*x+b) c = (3*x^2+a)^2 f = k^3*y^2 - (c-2*x*k)^3 - a*(k^2*c-2*x*k^3) - b*k^3 return f for line in lines: n,a,b,y = [ZZ(i) for i in line.strip().split(" ")] f = fun(n,a,b,y).monic().change_ring(ZZ) fs.append(f) ns.append(n) para_s.append([n, a, b, y]) F = crt(fs,ns) M = prod(ns) FF = F.change_ring(Zmod(M)) roots = FF.small_roots(X = 2**400,epsilon = 1/40,beta = 4/7) # m = FF.small_roots(X=2**256,beta=1.0) print(roots) from Crypto.Util.number import * m = 15425251357776807541227287240467548867067510789583043568768907891381811730130189461693802496389917454461 print(m.nbits()) print(long_to_bytes(int(m))) |
原文始发于tl2cents:N1CTF 2022 Crypto Writeups By tl2cents