Hack-a-Sat 3 – 2022 Final

WriteUp 2年前 (2023) admin
668 0 0

Hack-a-Sat 3 – 2022 Final

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. AFRL-2022-5934

This repository contains the open source release for the Hack-a-Sat 3 2022 final event.

Final scores from the event are posted at https://finals.2022.hackasat.com/

Released artifacts include:

  • Source code for all challenges
  • Source code for all challenge solutions
  • User Guide given to teams

Released artifacts do not include:

  • Infrastructure used to host and run the game
  • Source code for the score board
  • Source code for custom cFS and COSMOS deployments
  • Source code for for visualization
  • Source code for satellite emulation

Repository Structure

  • challenges – Source code for the ground and satellite challenges.
    • ground_chals – Source code for challenges that were considered running on the groundstation
    • satellite_chals – Source code for challenges considered running on the satellite
  • solvers – Mission Control’s solutions/solvers for the challenges.
    • ground_chals – Solvers for challenges that were considered running on the groundstation
      • commanding_chals – Challenges involving commanding/steering your satellite correctly
    • satellite_chals – Solvers for challenges considered running on the satellite
  • team writeups – Writeups about the game written by the top teams

Hack-a-Sat 3 - 2022 Final


Files in this repository are provided as-is under the MIT license unless otherwise stated below or by a license header. See LICENSE.md for more details.

cFS are provided under the NOSA v1.3 license.

COSMOS is provided under the GPLv3 license.

OSK is provided under the LGPL license.


Questions, comments, or concerns can be sent to hackasat[at]cromulence.com.


原文始发于Github:Hack-a-Sat 3 – 2022 Final

版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年1月3日 下午8:12。
转载请注明:Hack-a-Sat 3 – 2022 Final | CTF导航


